Confronting the Cultural Distortion Caused by Communism

A Memoir


Chapter 4: Threat of Communist Barbarism to Civilizations

Weak Voices in the Sleeping America

I accepted a research position at Yale University with the help from Professor Robert A. Berner in the fall of 1989. My wife Yunqing and I then settled in New Haven, Connecticut, early next year. The situation of being divided by the ocean had induced more of my memories of China. Since the Reform and Opening Up, mainland China had experienced the loosest decade under the CCP’s rule. It was also the most exciting and busiest period of my life. Starting from 1983, I had been working with my counterparts in the West on geochemical cycle and global environmental modeling. I returned to China from Canada in the fall of 1985 and started my efforts to establish modern environmental science for China. This included my work at Qingdao University in Shandong, at Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and at the State Oceanic Administration of China et al. So, I traveled frequently between Qingdao and Beijing. In the spring of 1989, I was breathing real free air in Tiananmen Square that I had never enjoyed in China. I could sense the glorious opportunity God gave to the Chinese nation. It was the genuine Chinese dream, the dream of the Chinese people and the entire nation for democratic constitutionalism…


I switched my career to the IT industry in 1997. Since then, an ominous premonition haunted me, and it became stronger along the years. WTO blood transfusion nourished the CCP with capital and modern technologies, thus posed the greatest threat to human civilization. The United States would soon find herself in an awkward position towards CCP. We described the awkwardness as “you are inside of me; I am inside of you”. Whenever confrontation is necessary, the situation may turn into “hitting the enemy will hurt ourselves.” A huge hematophagous leech is growing up, which has attached itself to the free world with a sucker named WTO and has been feeding on blood endlessly. I tried to warn the companies that wanted hiring me for their outsourcing to China. I emphasized that without a complete set of confidentiality measures, their intellectual property would likely be in danger. The responses were not encouraging…… In common sense, it seems logical that financiers and entrepreneurs prioritize profit and overlook my warnings. Perhaps I should focus particularly to warn politicians, so I successively wrote a few letters about the CCP’s threat to the U. S. Presidents and other politicians.


Mr. President signed his reply on January 15, 2014. Even ordinary people who did not understand the inside story could see the insidious intentions of the CCP during that period. To my enormous surprise, with the support of the world’s most powerful intelligence agency, the president of the United States even believe that we shared “common interests” with the evil! He continued to write in the letter: “We want to work with them to solve these problems in the years to come.” How to solve the problems created by the evil together with the evil itself?!  However, Mr. President had explicitly told me at the end of the letter: “For more information on my foreign policy agenda, I encourage you to visit (White House Foreign Policy Website).” It was not the first time for me to hit a snag like this. In fact, I had previously sent few letters on the same topic to other politicians. I had also written to many American universities since the CCP established the first North American Confucius Institute at the University of Maryland in 2004. I tried to draw their attention to the huge conspiracy behind the CCP’s transformation from anti-Confucianism to respecting Confucius. In my letters, I also showed the sinister intention of the CCP exporting its ideology and interfering with academic freedom in American universities. All the responses from the politicians and the university principals were as courteous as the President’s. But all of them seemed to remind me I would better not stick my nose into their affairs.


Among the friends I made while working at the University of Toronto in the 1980s, Tony was a special character. He taught Survey of English Literature in another university at the time but was my first teacher of the Western politics. When he called me and said he was flying south together with a group of Canadian snowbirds, I was excited. We finally reunited in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in early 2016.


The week passed by quickly. When we were parting on the beach, Tony said to me: “I had not seen you for over 30 years. You are like a duck to water now in the United States!”

“Here are two sentences from a poem written by Bai Juyi, who was a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty in China: ‘Regardless of how far I travel the world/ Where my heart gets peace, where it is home to me.’” I said.

“Shakespeare had a similar saying in Richard II: ‘All places that the eyes of heaven visits/Are to the wise man ports and happy havens.’ It’s for you, wise man!” He said.

“Thanks for your compliment! No matter how much anxiety and confusion I’ve encountered, this land is still where my heart belongs.” I said.

On my way returning home to McLean, Virginia, I made a stop on Theodore Roosevelt Island. Since we moved back to the East Coast in 2012 after I retired, this island has become my habitual stop. It was an enjoyment for me walking around in the Memorial plaza on the island and reading the quotes on granite monoliths. Someone told me that President Theodore Roosevelt is the shaper of modern America. This idea makes sense to me. I have a deep impression about how he overcame his health problems by embracing a strenuous lifestyle. I respect his exuberant personality defined by robust masculinity. This should represent a special aspect of American spirit. How could a country with such spiritual fire bow her head to an obscene force like the CCP? Should this great country still have those pretentious elitists as policy maker? I prayed that the sleeping America will wake up soon.


It was “My Way” by Frank Sinatra playing on the radio while I was driving home from the island one day. I was not sure when the final curtain would drop to me, but sure it is approaching. I must do whatever I should effectively before the time comes. Yeah, do it my way.

Erroneous Zones in the West 


America and the entire world had been in a state of being passively beaten for decades, facing the above threat. The world has awakened because of the pandemic and Hong Kong issues caused by the CCP. The two American parties have also reached a consensus on confirming this external threat. I hope it is time to discuss it further. What is the nature of the threat? What are the keys to the CCP’s strategy and its resources? We must at least answer these questions before designing our counterstrategy.

The answers to the above questions are both complicated and simple. Besides the socialist ideology, some American elitists have made so-called theories that complicate everything. For a long time, most of western politicians and humanity scholars overestimated the wisdom of the CCP leaders but underestimated their hooliganism. At the operational level, in most cases, they were not ready to deal with the opponent’s sophistry. Facing the CCP, another erroneous zone of the Western society is that they often place the cultural differences in an inappropriate position. For the objects with fundamental differences, people mistakenly think they could be culturally identical. For example, the fundamental differences between the CCP’s Confucius Institute and the Goethe Institute, the British Council and the French Alliance have been undiscovered. The CCP has been using the excuse of Chinese characteristics and the aura of ancient Chinese culture to cover up their rejection and hatred of the universal values of human society. Many people in the Western world often mistakenly interpret the CCP’s culture as Chinese culture. Regrettably, most of the well-known China Hands at the top of US political circles have long trapped themselves in the erroneous zones. More regrettable is that some famous scholars have recently brought people into new erroneous zones through the so-called theories of Thucydides’ trap and the idea about the clash of civilizations. Some scholars even demanded that we must provide the CCP with what it wants to escape this trap. If someone prefers the term ‘clash of civilizations’, what really exists is the catastrophic clash between human civilization and savagery. The authentic picture is that a rising communist barbarism causes a threat to a well-established human civilization. Starting from such a true logical premise, the reasoning process and the conclusion should be crystal clear. We do not limit the goal here to protect the national interests of the United States, it must also include defending the human civilization. In this context, the fans of Thucydides’ trap theory would find the fatal logic errors within its syllogism. In this way, American elitists have led the country and people astray for more than half a century.

Dispelling the myth created by these elitists, the answers to current strategic questions become simple, because things are straightforward and crystal clear originally. The nature of the current biggest threat is a rising communist barbarism is attempting to subvert the established human civilization. Analyzing the modern evolution of communist China will verify this judgment from another angle.


The Modern Evolution of Communist China 

After finally woken up from a long sleep, the United States must face a so-called Chinese miracle that threatens our national security. Western elitists were appreciating the Chinese development model supporting this “miracle”. What kind of magic model is this? To defeat the CCP’s attacks, it is necessary to expose its development process over the past 40 years. Destiny has put me in a position for observing relevant events closely and revealing their evolutions. The so-called Chinese development model is essentially a predatory development model that tramples on human rights, wastes resources, and destroys the ecological environment. This model that takes corruption as its precursor is the core of the “miracle” and has been fueling the CCP’s hegemonic ambitions. This not only undermines the effective global economic order established after World War II, but also seriously erodes the moral foundation on which Western society has built. This has formed a new global structure in which a rising communist barbarism is threatening the entire human civilization.

The modern evolution of Communist China began with the Reform and Opening Up in the late 1970s. To this day, many people still believe that this change advocated by Deng had at least lifted the Chinese people out of poverty, and even brought the possibility of moving towards democracy. This was also what I thought 40 years ago. But now I think otherwise. First, the reform started from ordinary Chinese people, not CCP and Deng. Then it was exactly Deng tampered with the original intention of this reform and turned it into a means to save the CCP from collapse. This tampered reform, from its beginning, had sown the seeds of disaster via the formation of the red crony capitalism in China. Without clarifying these serious misjudgments, it is impossible to see through the essence of the CCP’s modern evolution and find out its fatal acupoint.


In summary, the basis of the so-called Chinese development model is red crony capitalism. In this economic system, a business thrives not because of its clear visions and management, but as a return on money amassed through the nexus between a business class and the red regime. The business class in China mainly composed of the red families and their vassals. Besides, China’s red regime directly holds state-owned enterprises that control the lifeblood of the economy. The red families and their agents also controlled the most top management of these state-owned enterprises. They usually used state power to build special nexuses, not through competition. This power to accumulate monetary returns includes management licenses, government funds, tax breaks, or other forms of state intervention over resources. The so-called state intervention over resources refers to the state’s monopoly control over public property, such as mining concessions and public works contracts. The beneficiaries in this economic system not only make money in the market but also extract huge profits by chasing rent-seeking privileges on such monopoly control. Obviously, the biggest winners of this abnormal economic system are the hundreds of families in the upper levels of the CCP and their vassals. This group of low-moral upstarts are very greedy. They have been aggressively wasting natural resources and cruelly exploiting Chinese laborers who have minimal rights. Compared with the general crony capitalism, the red one has a larger scale and more bloody ways of profiteering. This predatory development not only seriously damages the ecological environment but also induces the moral decline of the entire society. This is the Chinese development model that the CCP touts and some Western elitists appreciate!


The CCP has thus established gangster communist dictatorship supported by modern technology.

The Core and Action Program of the CCP’s Strategy

What are the keys to the CCP’s strategy and its resources? History has proven that the core of the CCP’s strategies always achieved its global hegemony via hooliganism with no ethical bottom line. This also answers why it has taken so long for Americans to recognize the genuine face of the CCP. When people first hear about its evil, they often thought it was too absurd to believe. People may not see the truth when facing the facts and even question those who expose the true face of the evil. Hong Kongers who paid a painful price since June 2019 finally polished 

the eyes of the international community. As the CCP virus ravages the world, plus evolution of the CCP’s cruelty and shamelessness in Hong Kong during the past two years, the free world should clearly see what a hooligan without a moral bottom line is. There is an evil that people cannot imagine, but there is no evil in the world that the CCP dare not become.




Main Strategic Resources of the CCP

The CCP also holds two critical resources. One is the 1.4 billion Chinese who have been kidnapped and/or possessed. The second is the radical elitists in the West, which the CCP has used or even manipulated.   

Radical elitists in the west   

Alexander Pushkin’s excellent verse novel Eugene Onegin wrote: “That’s how people are: what they are given never fill their fantasy; only the distant call from the snake can take their fancy.” This clearly describes the true color of all radical elitists on top of our society. They have never cared what this great country gave to them and thought they should be a master above “we the people”.

Some senators and congressional representatives are experts at getting the votes but did not really worry about their voters. They forget everything our great country has given them and only care about their own scheming, even when America is at crisis. Another group of ungrateful people are the arrogant, narcissistic elitists on top of big media and big-tech. They believe they are valuable than the public, and that our country and people should obey their orders and arrangements. This is a group of intellectuals who have certain knowledge but no real culture. Those top radical left elitists misled the West’s China policy for more than half a century. They are the primary force who is poisoning democratic society with socialism from within. These people have abandoned faith, morality, and traditional culture. They have no worship of God and never appreciate America. They differ from the American-by-choice who has strong loyalty to this great country.


Maoism and ugly Chinese


“… But Mao has been dead for decades, how can he still influence people?” She asked.

“His ghost is still wandering on earth like Marx. Mao fully possessed Xi Jinping’s soul. Don’t you think the cultural revolution would repeat itself if Xi stayed in power for a relatively long time?” I asked.

“Some people think so and there seems to be a sign of starting.” She said.

“Xi is an arrogant and ignorant nut, but owns an effective system established by Mao. Dissecting Mao would help speeding up Xi’s demise and also prepare for the collapse of the CCP. This has strong practical significance. ” I said.

” There are a lot of crucial factors to consider which would contribute to the CCP’s collapse, why is this invisible one so important?” She asked.

“Yes, it is critical, and we must think over it in advance.  Mao’s ghost has been causing big troubles and his narrative styles are almost everywhere among Chinese in both mainland China and oversea. You may often find Mao’s thinking logics and behavior styles, even from the anti-communist dissidents. Dealing with such deep level issues is especially important not only for the Chinese themselves but also for US policymakers. And obviously we must start preparing right now.”
